البوابة الوطنية للتعاملات الإلكترونية الحكومية

An independent governmental center established by a Cabinet Decision issued on Rajab 4,1442 AH, February 16, 2021 AD. The decision was issued to transform the National Systems Deputy at the Ministry of Finance into an independent center Named "The National Center for Government Resource Systems" in order to achieve positive impact on Saudi Arabia’s economy. It aims to increase the efficiency of the financial sector to overcome challenges and contributes in enhance the quality of the government financial e-services for the beneficiaries. Furthermore, the center participates in enhancing innovation through utilizing modern technologies, supporting small and medium enterprises and local content, increasing competitiveness and providing opportunities, improving the beneficiaries' experience and measuring performance indicators. Additionally, standardizing Procedures and integration between beneficiaries.


Board Chairman Message H.E. the Minister of Finance: Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan

“The National Center for Government Resource Systems will achieve many positive effects on the national economy by raising the quality of services to beneficiaries, Enhancing innovation and using modern technologies, supporting small and medium enterprises and local content, increasing competitiveness and providing opportunities, in addition to improving the beneficiaries' experience and measuring performance indicators, in addition to Standardization of procedures and integration among beneficiaries.”


CEO’s Message Eng. Yousef bin Abdulrahman Al-Hargan

“The establishment of the National Center for Government Resource Systems, which seeks to achieve one of the goals of digital transformation, is within the Kingdom's Vision 2030 as it increases operational efficiency, enhance the level of transparency, and contributes to the ability to make decisions. The center will be the empowerment arm of the government to take the right decision and follow up its work in an efficient manner, as the establishment of the center aims to standardize government resource systems in a number of business streams such as "budgeting, procurement, supply chains, finance and human resources, payments and revenue collection”. Furthermore, the center contributes in enhancing innovation and the use of modern technologies, supporting small and medium enterprises and local content, and increasing Competitiveness and opportunities for the private sector, improving the beneficiaries' experience, measuring performance indicators, standardizing procedures and integrating beneficiaries”


  • - Enhance the quality of services for the beneficiaries.
  • - Elevate innovation and utilize modern technology.
  • - Support small and medium enterprises and local content.
  • - Increase competitiveness and providing opportunities.
  • - Improve the beneficiaries' experience and measuring performance indicators.
  • - Standardization of procedures and integration between beneficiaries.

NCGR Goals

  • - Providing standardized and integrated systems.
  • - Increasing transparency and Anti-corruption.
  • - Improving productivity, operating efficiency and spending.
  • - Providing digital products and services.
  • - Building data capabilities and business intelligence